Being curvy is a big part of my identity in SL, and that not only means being plus-sized, but plus-sized and and pregnant. So many curves! This was why I shifted away from my mainstream Maitreya Lara mesh body late 2019 and shifted to Sking Katena when they released their pregnant belly. While I have enjoyed that body very much, there were some issues for me (and Tour). We were both bothered by the narrow upper waist. We would have preferred that area to be a bit thicker to match the overall curves of the body. We also noticed there was no getting away from having a bit of a shelf butt, which neither of us found to be very natural looking. I minimized my shelf butt as much as I could with shaping and a deformer. Lastly, there was always the issue of mesh clothing. There is an increasing amount of talented designers creating for the Katena, but when it came to being pregnant I was largely forced into clothing layers for my lower body at the very least. While BOM is all the rage at the moment, there still aren't enough quality clothing designs as BOM layers. I did my very best for what is out there and I was rather impressed with myself going from having a choice of pretty much whatever I wanted to wear, to only the clothing layers in my inventory and whatever new clothing layers I could find from other designers. Had I stuck with my previous avatar I would have had a lot of clothing layers to choose from (lol).
So all that being said, I was at Equal10 the other day to check out some things I liked on my girlfriend Joline and I couldn't help but notice just how many designers include Legacy in their offerings. The Legacy body had not escaped my notice when it hit the scene, but when it did I was still in my Lara and doing just fine. I did pick up samples when I was deciding on Legacy or Sking, and I didn't feel the Legacy would get as round as I wanted it to, and I was still doubtful as to how many designers would create for it. So I opted for the Sking. Several months have passed and I have seen what my friends have done with their Legacy bodies so I was inspired to give it another look. I really played with the sliders this time and I was pleasantly surprised. That coupled with the increased offerings for Legacy, led me to decide it was time to change again. I invested in Legacy and I am thrilled to have parts of my inventory accessible to me again. That in itself has added to my enjoyment of this body, not to mention the opportunity to really do some damage to my L$ balance shopping! I had best put in some extra shifts! ;)
♥ LaLa
- Styling Details -
Head....LeLutka.Head.Bianca 3.4
Body....[BODY] Legacy (f) Pregnancy (1.1) (+ hands & feet)
Ears...:ANDORE: - :Mesh Ears: - [L & R] - Sweets
Tattoo...Letis Tattoo :: Sands of Time :: 75% :: FULL19003 (tattoo layer)
Lip piercing...*PKC* Amalia Bento Lip Studs - Lelutka Bianca
Hair...""D!va"" Hair "Joia" (Roots)
Dress...*Vanilla Bae* Kasey Dress (Adult) - Legacy
Shoes...REIGN.- Basic Platform Stiletto (LEGACY-HIGH)
Pose...Everglow - Breeze 05